Our Background
The Council of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Schools of Ontario (CTCMASO) is a voluntary membership association created to improve professional and educational standards, and to work with provincial or federal regulatory agencies to advance appropriate educational standards and requirements.
Alphabetical List of TCM and Acupuncture schools in Ontario:
Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine Academy
Canadian College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Eight Branches College of Eastern Medicine
International Academy of of Traditional Chinese Medicine
John & Jenny Acupuncture Clinic and Training Centre
Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Royal North American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Toronto School of Traditional Chinese Medicine
The Council of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Schools of Ontario (CTCMASO) provides a vehicle for structured liaison between member institutions and governmental or regulatory bodies. We advocate for the advancement of education and professional standards of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture in Ontario. We improve the reputation and legitimacy of our professional training programs by aiding member institutions in implementing higher educational standards. We serve as a resource regarding legislative or public issues affecting TCM and Acupuncture education, and support initiatives concerned with the regulation and accreditation. We support our member institutions in delivering educational excellence and in translating education to quality patient care. We promote professional practices within the TCM and Acupuncture industry and cultivate relationships with other healthcare professionals and educational organizations.
to support the development and improvement of education programs relating to traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture;
to develop a recommended curriculum for degree granting educational programs;
to support and foster academic freedom and a diversity of educational approaches within the field;
to provide a forum for discussion of issues relevant to member colleges;
to serve as an information resource for member colleges, other colleges and organizations, regulatory agencies, students, and the public;
to encourage ethical business practices among member colleges;
to work with accreditation, certification, licensing and regulatory agencies to develop appropriate educational standards and requirements;
to promote increased public access to high quality health care provided by well-trained practitioners of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine; and
to take a leadership role in acupuncture safety and jurisprudence through education, and certification.
According to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), 113 WHO member countries recognize TCM diagnostic and treatment methods such as acupuncture, 29 member countries have established relevant laws and regulations for the standardized use of TCM acupuncture, and 18 member countries have included acupuncture in their medical insurance systems. ~Ben Wu, PhD
Major TCM Milestones in Ontario
1991: Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA)
1996: Health Professions Regulatory Advisory Council (HPRAC) Report on the regulation of Acupuncture
1997: Michener Institute launches Canada’s first four-year acupuncture program
2001: Second HPRAC Report on the regulation of TCM
2001: The Honourable Tony Clement recommended that the profession be regulated under the RHPA and a regulatory College be formed based on the HPRAC report.
2005: Consultations with Ontarians regarding TCM and acupuncture begin
2006: Ontario's Bill 50 received Royal Assent, making us the second Province in Canada to regulate Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
2007: Ms. Emily Cheung appointed as Registrar of the Transitional Council
2008: The first public meeting of the transitional council was held, June 26
2013: Establishment of the CTCMPAO
2014: GST Exemption for Acupuncture
2014: CTCMPAO established the Doctor Title Working Group
2015: Establishment of the Council of TCM and Acupuncture Schools of Ontario
2015: First Acupuncture diploma program in Ontario community college system
2023: Update the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP) to include Acupuncture when performed by a registered acupuncturist
2023: Seat to represent TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists within CORPHA (Coalition of Regulated Health Professional Associations)